Skyscapes of the Namib


photo of me by Jean Canivenq, April 16 2017, Namib Dessert, Namibia

We stopped along the road to Damarraland whenever there was something worth stopping for. I was inspired by the skyscapes with their beautiful layered clouds, so complex they competed with the  landforms below.



I drew the left side of the road and then the right. I thought the desert would feel more empty but with such presence of the clouds there was a lot more going on then expected.


Perhaps I can use this sketch when I have the workshop with Salum Kambi this Friday for one of the backgrounds in the film.


These are meant to be the highest peaks in Namibia, they didn’t seem very high at all until we got closer. I guess the water-based mirages weren’t the only visual distortion in the desert.


I often paint my sketchbook entries after I have left the place I am visiting when I have time to sit down and apply the paint but I wanted to capture some of the colours before I forgot. It was nice to do this with everything so fresh in my mind.

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